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10 Signs To Replace Your Well Pressure Tank

A well pressure tank is responsible for ensuring an optimum water pressure throughout the house. However, over time, the pressure tank can malfunction causing various issues. But how to know that it’s to replace the tank by consulting a well pump service? Here are the tell-tale signs.

When To Replace Your Well Pressure Tank?

The Pressure Is Irregular

The first thing that you need to check if you are worried about your well pressure tank being faulty is the pressure of water in the faucets. This is a clear giveaway of your pressure tank not working properly. If you have a sound pressure tank, then the pressure in the faucets and taps will be optimum and the water will flow in a continuous stream without any problem.

However, if you have a faulty pressure tank, then the pressure in the faucets will be very irregular. Sometimes, water will burst out at astronomically high pressures, and other times, there won’t be a regular stream of water. So, this is a clear sign that something is wrong with the tank.

Either the tank is not filled to the desired level or there is something more serious about it, this is your sign to check up on it so that you are not left with a mountain of problems in the long run. If there is serious damage to the tank, then it’s better if you replace it altogether to avoid any other hassle.

The Gauge Is Going Crazy

A well pressure tank is a vertical tank that has water filled inside it and it also has a pressure gauge on the side. This gauge lets you know about the pressure in the tank as well as the pressure at which the water is flowing out of the tank and into the house.

Usually, the gauge is pretty steady and it doesn’t move too much, but if there is a sudden irregularity in pressure then the needle will dance around, going up and down. This is a clear sign that something serious is going on with the tank and you need to either get it fixed or get it replaced.

Judging By The Sound

If there is a problem with the well pressure tank, then your faucets and the way they sound will give everything away. Whenever you normally screw on the faucet, you don’t hear any weird noises. However, if you do, then that is not normal at all.

There is something stuck that is causing the tank to deplete in performance and not let the water flow at an adequate pressure. This means that you need to get the tank checked and if it needs to be replaced, then that’s what you have to do.

There Is Water Spitting

Another very clear sign of your well pressure tank not working is the spitting of water. This is really common, especially if the pressure is fluctuating a lot in the tank and it is causing the water from the faucets to come out in gushes with air.

This will not only affect the internal assembly of your pipework, but it will also make the water murky and that is not what you want at all.

The Diaphragm Is Blown

One of the most important parts of a well pressure tank is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a thin membrane that not only regulates the pressure inside, but it keeps the gauge steady too. However, since it is a membrane at the end of the day, it can tear or get blown. Now, you might be thinking: How do I know if the diaphragm is blown?

Well, you can get an idea about the diaphragm by looking at the pressure gauge. If the gauge reads pressure less than 10 PSI, then you can be certain that the diaphragm is blown or at least torn. It is better if you consult with a professional in this regard, because 9 times out of 10, it’s better if you replace the pressure tank altogether than simply replacing the diaphragm.

The 2 PSI Difference

This is kind of a test that you can apply on a faulty pressure tank and see if there is something majorly wrong with it. It is called the 2 PSI test and it is usually conducted by professionals. If you think that you can’t handle it and if it’s your first time doing something like this, then it’s better to call a professional and hand them over the work.

Regardless, what you want to check is that when you empty the tank and check the pressure, it ideally should be 38 PSI. If it is either 2 psi higher or lower than the set-in value, which will be different depending on the size or capacity of the tank, then it probably needs replacement.

Furthermore, you should schedule a thorough inspection of all the parts of your water well system. If your well pump is old, you should also consider well pump replacement VA.

Knock The Tank

You can also check the sound of the tank by knocking on it. First of all, the top of the tank will feel cool to the touch and if you knock on it, then you will hear a hollow sound.

This basically implies that the tank is not filling up and draining properly, which indirectly means that something is wrong with the pressure of the tank. A pressure tank relies on pressure in order to fill, stop, and flow the water.

High Electricity Bills

Another very clear as a day reason why your well pressure tank might need replacement is the electricity bills. If you’re following the same routine and are not overworking the tank, and still your electricity bills are through the roof then there is probably something wrong with the tank.

You can easily fix this issue by repairing the faulty parts and then checking your bills. Chances are that they will go back to normal.

Murky Water

If the pressure of the well pressure tank is not optimum and fluctuates a lot, then the appearance of water will give things away too.

You will see that the water is very murky and it will also smell. Water that is left stationary for even a few minutes will pick up loose metal sediments in the pipes and the result will be dirty and discolored water that is not only unpleasant to drink, but to look at as well.

The Tank Is Too Old

If your tank is too old and you have not changed it since, well, forever, then you will run into a lot of problems. So, if your tank is suddenly misbehaving a lot and you know that the tank is old, then there’s nothing you can do besides replacing it.

You might think that you can stretch the old tank a bit far, but getting a new tank will nullify all of the problems and you will pat yourself on the back for replacing your tank when it was due. Not everything can last forever.


Well pressure tanks are an important part of your well water system, but they can turn into a hassle if they’re faulty. So, it’s better to be safe than sorry and figure the problem out. Make sure to have your water well, well pump, pressure tank, and other components inspected regularly by a well pump repair Washington County expert.

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