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How Do I Know If My Well Pump Needs To Be Replaced?

Well pumps are a lifesaver as they can supply water on demand from deep wells and reservoirs. However, since they’re machines with lots of moving parts, they will give up at some point and you will have to replace them. Here are some signs that you need to look out for if your water well pump needs replacement.

Signs To Replace Your Well Pump

Increased Electricity Bill

The first and most alarming sign that you’ll see, especially if your pump isn’t doing well is the fact that your electricity bill will skyrocket. This is unusual for a working pump, so it means that something is wrong with the pump.

You can spot it easily. All you need to do is compare the bills of previous months with your most recent one. You can also compare the performance of the well pump in the previous months to the recent one and the answer will be clear as day.

You don’t want to keep your pump running in these conditions because you’re getting no or less water and the pump is consuming power like there’s no tomorrow.

At this point, have a well pump service inspect your pump. Only after an inspection can they suggest if you can get away with a repair or would you have to replace the well pump.

No Water

Another obvious sign that your well pump is not performing properly anymore and probably needs repairs, if not a full-blown replacement, is the fact that there is no water coming in the taps or faucets. This doesn’t mean that your faucets are faulty. If the pump is running and you’re still not getting any water anywhere in the house, it means that something is wrong with the pump.

Moreover, if there is water coming in small bursts, also known as spitting, then it’s time you get the pump checked because it might not be sucking any water from the well and that’s not what you want.

So, before something gets out of hand, try to get to the bottom of the problem by consulting an expert as soon as you can.

Gurgling Noises And Air Spitting From The Faucets

This sign also pertains to the sink and faucets. If you hear weird noises coming from the faucets, especially when you leave the tap screwed open, then there is something wrong. Sometimes, the gurgling noise accompanies air spitting from the faucets.

The major causes of this issue are a leaking pressure tank bladder or cracked pipes. These issues are repairable if you contact a professional quickly. But if gurgling and air spitting from faucets is ignored, it keeps putting a lot of stress on the well pump which leads to pump failure.

Another cause of this problem is a lowered water table. When the water table goes below the well pump, the pump will begin sucking air with water leading to gurgling faucets and other issues like muddy or bad-tasting water (more on this later).

Noises In The Pressure Tank

If you have a well pump, then you probably have a pressure tank for the water too. In bladder pressure tanks, there is an air bladder that regulates the pressure inside. If that thing bursts, then it can put a lot of stress on the pump and that’s not what you want.

The most obvious sign is hearing clicking noises in the pressure tank. This is when you need to be alarmed because a very small slip like this can lead to irreparable damage to the pump, so call in a professional and have them take a look at the pressure tank as well as the pump for the problem.

Insufficient Water Pressure

This can be considered a continuation of the above point, but the degree is much higher. Usually, when the pump is running properly, there is continuous water pressure in the taps and faucets. However, if you see that the water is coming in spurts and then randomly stops, followed by the familiar gurgling sound, then there is something that’s not normal and the pump isn’t working the way it’s supposed to.

Experiencing this once in a blue moon isn’t alarming, but if it has been recurrent and it’s affecting your daily household activities, then you need to get to the bottom of the issue and get it solved before things take a turn for the worse.

The causes of this problem can the ones explained in the above point. However, some other reasons could be pressure tank issues, clogged pipes due to hard water, and bacteria buildup. Lastly, a failing motor would also cause water pressure issues.

So, always keep your eyes peeled for insufficient water pressure or continuous spitting of water from the taps and faucets, because there is something wrong with the well pump. You should start with a well pump inspection by a technician.

The Pump Is Either Short Cycling Or Running Constantly

A common well pump malfunction that is known as the pump short cycling. This occurs when the pump is sucking out water from the well and then it turns off abruptly.

However, another thing can occur that’s not normal and that is the pump running non-stop for a long time, and not just that, it’s not pumping any water. There are many causes of this issue like an issue with the pressure tank or the pump itself. Moreover, a possible leak in the suction line can the culprit as well. These leaks and problem aren’t something to be taken lightly and they can make or break the pump, literally.

So, if you see that the pump is either running non-stop or stopping abruptly after short intervals, then get it inspected and if the expert suggests a replacement, then go ahead with a new well pump installation Berkeley County.

The Water Isn’t Clear

This is also another problem that you might think isn’t because of a faulty pump, but it is. Is your water all of a sudden murky and has sediments in it? Usually, a water pump that’s working perfectly won’t have this issue and if you see sediments out of the blue in the water, then it means that there isn’t enough water pressure in the pump and this ultimately leads to a problem in the pump itself.

So, if you see this and it’s more than a one-time thing, then it’s probably best that you get your pump inspected because something might be wrong. Either there is sediment residue in the pipes leading to the pump or the pump isn’t making enough pressure and is disturbing the strata in the well, causing your water to get murky, so it’s better to be safe than sorry and have the pump checked before it’s too late.

Overheating Well Pump

This is a very obvious sign. Sometimes, the motor in the pump can break down. This can cause the motor to overheat and you can sense that by smelling a burning plastic smell coming from the motor. It might also be hot to the touch and in worst cases, there also might be smoke coming out. In such a case, stop the pump immediately and contact an expert. However, this issue will be difficult to spot in submersible pumps.


Well pumps are really reliable and last for 8-15 years. However, nothing is permanent so keep an eye for the above signs and symptoms to know that it’s time for well pump replacement Montgomery County.

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