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Pros And Cons Of A UV Light Water Filtration System

Water filtration is crucial if your well water or tap water has contaminants. This is the only way to make the water potable and usable around the house. One of the methods of water purification is UV light filtration. But is it good? Does it all the contaminants from the water? Let’s learn the benefits and drawbacks of UV light water filters.

Pros And Cons Of UV Light Filters

Pros Of UV Light Water Filtration Systems

A UV light water filtration system consists of a small light probe dipped in water. The ultraviolet light emitted from the probe helps to disinfect the water and make it clean and safe for drinking as long as microorganisms are the only issue with the water. In case of other impurities like chlorine, lead, pesticides, etc., you should pair the UV filter with another mesh filter or filtration system.

Here are some of the upsides of using a UV light water filtration system.

They Remove 99.9% Of Microorganisms

UV light water filtration systems are used for killing bacteria and other microbes in the water and they do it very well. Ultraviolet filters can effectively remove bacteria, viruses, algae, cysts, fungi, and other germs.

They Are Chemical-Free

A lot of people are concerned about using chemicals in water to filter or disinfect it such as chlorination. This is because chemicals can alter the taste of water and can even lead to side effects that are not good for the body at all.

So, a UV light water filtration system is amazing because it is not mixed in with water. The water only goes through a chamber that has a UV light lamp. There is no use of chemicals or any other substance.

Better Than Boiling

We mentioned how chlorination of drinking water can make the water salty and you have to remove chlorine from the water after disinfecting it so UV filters are better. Similarly, UV filters are better than boiling as well because boiling takes much more time, it’s heats up the water, and also slightly alters the taste of water whereas UV filters are faster, don’t change the temperature of the water much, and don’t alter the taste of the water.

Don’t Require A Lot Of Maintenance

Another great thing about UV light water filtration systems is that they don’t need a lot of maintenance. The only thing that you need to look after is the probe apart from monthly cleaning. The probe is essentially a glass casing in which a UV light bulb is encased. This is the only thing that needs to be replaced when it goes bad.

So, you can say goodbye to rigorous maintenance and looking after filters and changing out different parts because a UV light water filtration system won’t make you go through any of this and you’ll be happy with how low maintenance it is.

Easy To Use

A UV light water filtration system is very easy to use. You don’t even need an instruction manual for it if you know the basic gist. With traditional filters and other water purification systems, it is really easy to lose track of how things are done.

With a UV light water filtration system, you don’t need to do anything after its installation. It will provide disinfected water for use. There are also portable versions that you just need to dip in the water bottle or container for some time and then remove it.

They Are Energy Efficient

Unlike a lot of filters that are very big, and heavy and operate on mechanical and electrical power, UV light water filtration systems are amazing and efficient when it comes to energy consumption. Yes, they are powered by electricity and that can be a little inconvenient at times, but they use way less electricity than RO plants.

Therefore, if you’re on the lookout for a water filtration system that won’t make your bills go through the roof, then you need to consider UV light water filtration systems because they are game changers.

Quick Filtration

One of the best things about a UV light water filtration system is that it disinfects water quickly – within minutes. Sometimes, with other water purification systems, you need to set them up a good chunk of time before you need clean and pure water because the systems need to get the work started and it just takes a lot of time, in general.

With a UV light water filtration system that has a sediment filter and a carbon filter as well for removing other contaminants apart from microbes, filtration takes place within minutes.

Cons Of UV Light Water Filtration Systems

UV light water filtration systems sound amazing, but there are some things that aren’t necessarily great about them, and here is everything you need to know about them.

The Use Electricity

Yes, UV light water filtration systems use electricity, and even though it’s not a lot, it is still inconvenient. UV light water filtration systems are made to make life easier, but that claim is thrown out of the window pretty quickly because you might be at places where you want to filter water with a UV water filter, but you don’t have access to electricity.

Also, if you’re operating a faulty UV light water filtration system, then you will end up wasting a lot of electricity without actually getting the job done.

They Don’t Remove Everything

Even though UV light water filtration systems are amazing and can filter water “magically”, they are incapable of removing each and every impurity in water. UV light water filtration systems are very selective when it comes to removing impurities.

Yes, they can kill bacteria and other living organisms in the water that aren’t meant for consumption, but they can’t remove sediments, metals, and harmful toxins, for which you need a physical filtration system, so it’s like adding more to the pile of work. So, a UV light water filtration system doesn’t necessarily get rid of everything from impure water.

However, it’s still considered the best option for removing microbes and that’s why other filters are added to it to create an excellent water purification system.

That being said, if your prime water problem is not microorganisms but other contaminants, then you should consider installing a reverse osmosis system WV. Keep in mind that an RO system also removes microbes.

Won’t Work On Cloudy Water

Another huge drawback of a UV light water filtration system is that it doesn’t work on cloudy or dirty water. If the water isn’t clear, then a UV light water filtration system won’t work at all. It’s as simple as that.

UV light needs clear water to penetrate through the water and kill germs, so if you are dealing with dirty and murky water, then you need to first filter it physically to make it clear and then use a UV filter. However, most UV water filtration systems have added filters that can make water clear for UV light disinfection.

They Are Fragile

Since a portable UV filter is made out of glass and plastic (or any other materials), it is very fragile and prone to breaking. This is very inconvenient because it means you need to handle the equipment with kid’s gloves and that is not doable every single time, especially when you need pure water, fast.


UV light water filtration systems have their upsides and downsides. Ultraviolet water filters are essentially used for removing microorganisms from the water and are not effective against other contaminants. So, it is really important that you get your well water or tap water tested before making any decision. This will help you choose a well water filtration system Washington County that suits your needs.

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