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Upgrading Your Septic System: Signs and Important Tips

A septic system is a common addition in many houses which don’t have external sewage systems. So, if you want to know when it’s time to upgrade your septic system and some tips to make your septic system installation easier, then this guide is for you.

Signs To Upgrade Your Septic System

Here are all the signs you need to know about upgrading your septic tank or system. Upgrading a septic system is necessary if the tank size is small for your house so that all of the waste can accumulate in the bigger tank. However, it’s only one of the reasons for an upgrade.

Drains Backing Up

This is a huge sign that a septic system is failing and you need to do something about it. Whenever you use your sink or even the bathroom, you can check the drains and see if there is any problem with it.

The first thing that you will notice is that the water going down the drain will start to regurgitate and spill up. That is not normal at all and you need to inspect the tank immediately as chances are that there might be a problem with the drain field or the pipes are clogged or that the system needs to be upgraded because the existing system is too small to hold all of the waste.

Bad Odor

This is also another sign that you need to look out for. If you want to see whether your septic tank or system needs an upgrade or is not working properly, the smell will give away all of the signs.

There will be a very bad smell in the sink and drains of your house. The toilet and even other places where you use water will reek of sewer. So, this is a clear sign that your tank is not draining the waste properly and it needs to be looked at.

Greenery In Weird Places

Wastewater is great manure for plants and other things in the garden. It is water packed with fertilizers and minerals that makes the grass green.

So, if you want to see whether your tank needs an upgrade, then you need to see the quality of the grass. Better yet, you might also see grass growing in weird places where there was never even a speck of greenery before. This will make sense that the septic tank or system is overflowing and should be cleaned, repaired, or upgraded as required.


Another clear sign that something is wrong with your septic tank or system, and you need to look into the matter, is the fact that there will be stains on the perimeter of the drains and even inside the toilet.

This is the tell-tale sign of sewer backup from the tank and up to your house and toilets, and that is not normal at all. You need to inspect your septic system and get to the bottom of the issue to know whether the problem is temporary or it needs a permanent fix.

Puddles Near The Tank

You want to check the surroundings of the tank and see if there are any puddles. The septic tank is supposed to keep all of the waste in one place and if you see puddles forming, then that is a huge issue because it doesn’t only mean that the septic tank needs to be checked for overflowing, but it can also imply that the septic tank may be cracked and it’s letting water out and that’s not what you want at all.

This is why it’s important to always look out for these things and ensure that whenever you see a puddle, you do something about it.

Tips For Upgrading Your Septic System

Here are some tips that are good to follow for a septic system upgrade.

Hire A Professional

This kind of goes without saying, but you need to hire a professional if you’re going to get your septic system upgraded. This is not something that you can do by yourself, so you should look for different septic companies Jefferson County that deal with septic system upgrades and then go for one that has great reviews.

This is something that you’ll need to spend a good chunk of time on because the people you choose to do the upgrade will ultimately determine the longevity of your new system, so choose wisely.

Know What Needs To Be Upgraded

A septic system isn’t just a tank that you need to replace. It’s called a system for a reason. There is the tank, sure, but then there’s also the drain field, distribution box, and the pipes and drains leading up from one spot to another.

So, all of these things need to be changed or upgraded and you need to make sure that you’re going over everything because if you miss even one faulty part of the system, then the whole upgrade will be pretty much useless. So, always make note of the things that need to be repaired or upgraded and then go about the process.

Get Multiple Quotes

When researching contractors for septic tank or system upgrades, you also want to keep the finances in mind. Once you start researching, you also want to go over the quotes each contractor has to offer. This is important because you want the project to fit within your budget.

Also, it goes without saying, but you’ll also need to set a budget because upgrading a septic system is no joke and you need to allocate a set amount of money for it so that you can get the job done without going crazy over the money you’re spending.

Consider The Size

When upgrading the septic system, you also want to go over the size of the new septic tank. This is important because you’re upgrading it in the first place because of this reason.

If the existing size of the septic tank is not big enough then you need a bigger tank that will ensure that all of the wastewater can be collected in it without any problem and that’s what you want at the end of the day. So, always keep the size of the septic tank in mind because you’ll thank yourself in the future.

Maintain The Septic Tank

You can only ensure a working septic system without complicated issues by proper maintenance. Upgrading a septic system is one thing, but maintaining it is a whole different ball game and you want to ensure that you’re doing everything you can to make the system last long.

So, regular pumping of the tank, ensuring that there aren’t any clogs, and everything else in between is what you need to go over because the better you maintain your septic system, the longer it will last and you’ll run into fewer problems.


Septic systems can last for decades. However, there will come a time when you need to upgrade or replace it. This is why you need to keep an eye on the signs mentioned above. If you do need an upgrade, you should also remember the tips as they will help in the process. For help, hire a reputable septic tank service MD as their experts will guide you through the process and make things easier.

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